Co Curricula Programme
CCAs are a key component of students’ holistic education. Through CCAs, students discover their interests and talents. CCAs also provide platforms for students to develop their character, learn values, social emotional competencies and other relevant skills to prepare them for future challenges.
CCAs bring students from diverse backgrounds together. By learning and interacting with one another, students develop friendships and deepen their sense of belonging to the school and community.
Participation in a CCA is compulsory for all ASIS students. ASIS students may pursue their interests and participate in external activities, but not in-lieu of a school-based CCA.
Students can choose from any of these 3 CCA groups:
- Clubs and Societies
- Physical Sports
- Visual and Performing Arts
Students may initiate their own activities with the school’s approval. This allows them to pursue interests or ideas not found in current CCAs, and to expand the range of activities.