
Gifted Education Programme

Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)

We are committed to ensuring that the potential of each gifted and talented student is recognised, nurtured and developed.

The GEP is a programme that caters for the needs of all gifted students. Students are identified for their different gifts and talents through exercises and assessments from early years to Primary levels.

The GEP curriculum is an enriched curriculum designed to meet the needs of GEP students based on their talents and giftings. SIS uses the IQ, EQ, SQ, AQ and the Multi-Intelligences (MI) metrics

The enriched academic and non academic curriculum covers the same content areas as those in the mainstream schools in Singapore, but is extended in breadth and depth. GEP students will learn skills for independent inquiry and are encouraged to do explorations on self-selected areas of interest.

GEP students have rich opportunities to interact with their schoolmates and with friends from Thailand and Singapore, and other countries through school-wide activities, CCAs and Values-in-Action (VIA) programmes, where they learn, work and play together daily.

Goals of the GEP of ASIS

The goals of the GEP are to:

  • Develop intellectual depth and higher-level thinking in various domains (IQ, EQ, SQ, AQ and Multi-Intelligences.
  • Nurture productive creativity.
  • Develop attitudes for self-directed lifelong learning.
  • Enhance aspirations for individual excellence and fulfilment.
  • Develop a strong social conscience and commitment to serve society and the nation.
  • Develop moral values and qualities for responsible leadership.

Giftings and Talents, Intelligences

Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Intelligence Quotient
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Emotional Quotient
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Spiritual Quotient
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Adversity Quotient
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Cultural Quotient

Multiple Intelligences

Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Picture Smart
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Music Smart
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Body Smart
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
People Smart
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Word Smart
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Logic Smart
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)
Nature Smart
Asia Singapore International School (ASIS)

ASIS is an expert school in Learning Science and Approach

  1. Understanding by Design
  2. Design Thinking
  3. Problem and Project Based Learning
  4. Outcome Based Education
  5. Connectivism – embracing technology and AI
  6. Multi-Intelligences and E.I.S.A Quotient